Writing Services
Premium Author Package
This package offers you a review of your manuscript, proofreading, line editing, copyediting, graphic and layout design of your book, connection to illustrators, reference to a printer, instruction on correct writing, grammar, and word usage, and one-on-one personal consultation through the completion of your book. We include three writing courses of your choice on techniques, including plot and structure development, writing voice, creating characters, elements of style, writing for different genres, and assistance with writing as a business, including production, distribution, and marketing. You will also receive personalized one-on-one coaching from our instructor. (Hours will be noted in your proposal)
Medium Author Package
This package offers you a review of your manuscript, proofreading, line editing, copyediting, graphic and layout design of your book, connection to illustrators, reference to a printer, instruction on correct writing, grammar, and word usage, twenty (26) weeks one-on-one personal consultation towards the completion of your book. We include two writing courses of your choice on techniques, including plot and structure development, writing voice, creating characters, elements of style, and writing for different genres. You will also receive personalized one-on-one coaching from our instructor. (Hours will be noted in your proposal)
Basic Author Package
This package offers you a review of your manuscript, proofreading, line editing, copyediting, instruction on correct writing, grammar, word usage, and ten (10) weeks of one-on-one personal consultation towards completing your book. We include one writing course of your choice on techniques, including plot and structure development, writing voice, creating characters, elements of style, and writing for different genres. We offer marketing options, recommendations for graphic and layout designers, illustrators, and printers. You will also receive personalized one-on-one coaching from our instructor. (Hours will be noted in your proposal)